Dixie Hose Cargo doppelte Tasche
Dixie Hose Cargo doppelte Tasche
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Dieses stylische Kleid ist der perfekte Begleiter für warme Sommertage und elegante Abendveranstaltungen.
Hergestellt aus 100% Baumwolle mit Kordel-Details, V-Ausschnitt und rückenfreiem Design.
Die asymmetrische Form und größengerechte Passform sorgen für einen eleganten und bequemen Look.
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Pay securely
Pay securely
Encrypting the data using SSL ensures that the data entered is secure.
Payment methods are:
Credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Amex)
Instant transfer (Klarna)
DHL Standard DE (2-5 working days)
DHL Standard EU (2-14 working days)
DHL Standard DE € 5.95
DHL Standard AT €11.95
DHL Standard EU €14.95
Collection in store is free.
Return & Refund
Return & Refund
You can easily return an item within 14 days. To do this, use our portal for returns & exchanges . You will receive a DHL return slip.
The costs of the return will be deducted from the credit.
If you would like to exchange size and/or color, return and re-shipment are free of charge (DE).
Of course, you can return items in the store free of charge.